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Winter 2023
Written by Mikia Manley
Updated over 2 years ago

February 7, 2023

Period attendance just got even better! When viewing a student's profile you will see a count of the periods missed AND their absence rate by period.

We also simplified the process of creating and adding students to intervention groups. You can select "Add to group" when viewing a student profile in order to easily add an individual student to a group. And when setting up an intervention group, we've reduced the number of required fields that need to be filled out.

January 24, 2023

We added a count of periods missed to the student profile. This allows educators to view both full day and period absences. This is available for districts that provide a period level attendance file.

We also made improvements to how we handle students with multiple, concurrent enrollments to ensure that they are not being duplicated in any of the aggregate metrics.

January 18, 2023

The key at the top of the Attendance Calendar and Student Cohorts page is now clickable. This allows viewers to highlight data within a specific range which is helpful for identifying patterns in low or high attendance and chronic absenteeism rates.

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