Fall 2022
Written by Mikia Manley
Updated over a week ago

December 15, 2022

We added new alerts to open text fields to make sure everyone is keeping student privacy in mind when notes to EveryDay Pro and a new pop-up to make sure you aren't losing unsaved data when moving between pages in the student list.

We changed the "up"/"down" labels on the trends filter to make it clearer which trends indicating attendance was worsening and improving.

We fixed a bug that was stopping users from adding students to some existing intervention groups.

December 5, 2022

We changed the labels in Cohorts from "unknown" to "Unspecified/Not in group" to clarify that students may show in that group if data is missing or if they are not in the specified group.

We've improved our ability to display data for students with multiple active enrollments. Students with multiple active enrollments now have visible profiles accessible by both schools, and multiple absences on one day (i.e. an absence logged for both enrollments) are condensed into a single absence.

We have updated absence trends to include the percentage point change.

We have also added search functionality to the student barrier list, making it even easier to find and add barriers to a student profile.

November 28, 2022

You can now switch between snapshots and cumulative metrics for all monthly metrics. Snapshots represent metrics from the beginning to end of the month, and cumulative metrics show rates from the beginning of the year through the end of the month (or current date for the current month).

We've also added new filters on the All Students page to allow you to filter by trends, patterns, and all available demographic characteristics.

You can now add students to an intervention group from the search page.

Finally, we've added Outbound Mail & Text by Student reports by school for easier sharing with school based staff.

November 7, 2022

We have added support for additional cohort groups. This means more ways to break down attendance and chronic absenteeism on the Cohorts page! If you'd like to see additional groups, talk to your district about adding more demographic information to the data being sent to EveryDay Labs.

We added a new "early absence" pattern which identifies students who were in the top quartile of unexcused absenteeism in the first month of school. Research shows students in this group tend to have increasingly frequent unexcused absences over the course of the year. With this information, school staff will be able to prioritize early intervention for these students.

We made improvements to the filtering interface to make it easier than ever to find specific students.

Finally, we've added new tooltips (with videos🎥) and an onboarding checklist to help you get the most out of Pro!

November 2, 2022

Based on feedback from Pro users, we changed the attendance tier filter on the All Students page to multi-select. This will allow you to focus on multiple groups of students at once, such as all students who are chronically absent.

We also added cohort breakdowns of chronic absenteeism. Now, when viewing cohorts, you can select from attendance rate or chronic absenteeism.

October 20, 2022

We added a new a page with reporting on EveryDay Intervention. This is available to a subset of users in each district. Now, it's even easier to track all attendance work in the district in one place.

We also made some improvements to how we calculate the total days a student has been enrolled and have incorporated these improvements into how we calculate absence rates and trends.

Finally, we added support for a new level of permissions. We can now add users with access only to district-level data (and not to school or student data).

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