EveryDay Pro Introduction
Written by Mikia Manley
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to EveryDay Pro!

It’s no secret that strong attendance is foundational to student success.

EveryDay Labs is honored to be your partner in improving student attendance and maximizing opportunities for student achievement. We are excited that you have chosen our innovative web-based platform, EveryDay Pro, to bring your attendance work to the next level. EveryDay Pro will equip you with ready-to-go and easily accessible dashboards, updated daily, as well as help teams across your district closely monitor student case management and coordinate the right intervention at the right time for the students who need it most. This web-based platform, with new updates added throughout the school year, will inform data-driven interventions and strategies in order to help your students overcome barriers to attendance and stay on track to academic success.

In our resource center, you’ll find instructions and details on how to make the most of the robust reporting and coordination EveryDay Pro provides. Whether you want to view attendance patterns or analyze attendance tiers, EveryDay Pro will help you effectively act on accurate and timely information, all with the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes.

We believe that innovation should be grounded by evidence and driven by results, so that our services and technology don’t just seem aspirational — they actually work. We created easily accessible data dashboards that provide you with insights into student attendance patterns and trends and help you innovate and improve student attendance.

As you explore EveryDay Pro, please do not hesitate to reach out to pro-support@everydaylabs.com should you have any questions.

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