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All CollectionsUsing EveryDay Pro
Managing your Accounts
Managing your Accounts
Written by Mikia Manley
Updated over 4 months ago

This article provides instructions for managing your user accounts on EveryDay Pro. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

Adding new users

Scroll to the bottom of the left side navigation menu > Select Account > Select Management

You will then see a pop-up window that looks like this > Click on All Accounts.

From the All Accounts page you can select where you'd like to add new users. To give users access to the entire district, add them to the top level where you see your district name. To add them to a specific school, select the school from the list.

NOTE: If you have access to all schools within the district, before you begin adding school level users, find your own account at the district level. Toggle on your sub-account access.

Once you select where you want to add the user, you will see a new page with a list of all current users with access to that school or to the district. You can invite new users by clicking the "Invite Users" button in the upper right portion of the page.

Enter the user email address and select a role. Depending on whether you work with EveryDay Labs to manage your truancy process, most users will either get Full Access (w/o Truancy) or Full Access + Truancy Approval. However, there are a number of other roles available. See below for an explanation of each one. Once you select a role, click "Invite."


Access description

Full Access (w/o Truancy)

Gives user to access to all pages within EveryDay Pro, except for truancy, for either the whole district or specific schools.

Full Access + Truancy Approval

Gives user to access to all pages within EveryDay Pro, as well as the ability to approve truancy notices, for either the whole district or specific schools.

Full Access + Truancy View Only

Gives user to access to all pages within EveryDay Pro, as well as the ability to view truancy records, for either the whole district or specific schools.

Aggregate District Data Only

Gives user access to view the district wide page, but does not provide access to any school or student level data.

Essentials Reporting Access Only

Gives user access to reporting on chronic absence and truancy communications, but does not provide access to other attendance data or metrics. This includes data at the individual student level.

Aggregate District Reporting Only

Gives user access to view reporting on chronic absence and truancy communications, but not to individual student data.

User Management (District wide)

This gives a user the ability to add new users to EveryDay Pro and manage security settings. It must be paired with toggling on "subaccount access." Users will be able to add new accounts at the district wide or school level.

User Management (School only)

This gives a user the ability to add new users to EveryDay Pro for their school.

Please note that in order to add a user to more than one school, you will need to click into and add them to each school from the All Accounts page.

Resend an invitation email

If a user needs a new invitation email, locate the user from the All Accounts page. Click on the three dots to the right of their account and select "Resend invitation email."

Delete a user

If you need to delete a user, locate the user from the All Accounts page. Click on the three dots to the right of their account and select "Delete User."

Update Roles

If you need to update a user's role, locate the user from the All Accounts page. Click on the three dots to the right of their account and select "Edit User Roles." Then you can select the correct role.

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