Home Visits
Written by Stefanie Gilary
Updated over a week ago

Home visits can be an effective way to support student attendance because they provide an opportunity for teachers or school staff to connect with students and their families in a more personal way. Here are some ways home visits can support student attendance:

  1. Building relationships: Home visits can help build positive relationships between teachers or school staff and families. When families feel connected to their child's school, they are more likely to prioritize attendance and ensure their child is present in school regularly.

  2. Identifying barriers: Home visits are a great way to help identify any barriers that may be preventing a student from attending school regularly, such as transportation issues or health concerns. By understanding these barriers, schools can work with families to find solutions and support good attendance.

  3. Providing resources: Home visits provide an opportunity for schools to provide families with resources and information about attendance policies, school schedules, and other important information. This can help families better understand the importance of attendance and how they can support their child's success in school.

  4. Personalizing support: Home visits allow teachers or school staff to personalize their support for each student and their family. By understanding a student's individual needs and circumstances, teachers can provide targeted support and encouragement that can help improve attendance.

While home visits can be extremely helpful in building positive relationships with students and families, they can also come with challenges. Some families may not be ready to invite teachers and staff into their home. In those instances, meeting at a library or a public park can be a great alternative.

It’s also crucial to anticipate any safety concerns. Many schools that implement a home visiting program require that two staff members always go together. It’s important to come together as a team and decide what precautions to take in order to tap into the benefits of home visits.

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