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Aligning Attendance Systems with MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)
Tier II
How to find the list of students who have missed 10-19% of school days
How to find the list of students who have missed 10-19% of school days
Written by Stefanie Gilary
Updated over a week ago

You can locate the list of students that have missed 10-19% in two different ways.

1. Navigate to the school overview page. Click on the section of the pie chart that is labeled ‘moderately chronic’. (insert screenshot) This pulls up the list of students that are missing 10-19% only.

2. Or, click on All Students to pull up a list of all students in the school. Click All Absence Rates to filter your student list to only show students missing 10-19% of school days. Click on filters to sort the list by grade level or other sub populations.

Absence rate by month for each student

In order to view absence rates by month for each student, pull up the student profile. Do this by clicking on the row of an individual student in the All Students list.

Once you have opened the student profile, you’ll see daily attendance in a calendar format. The gray dots represent when a student is present, the yellow dots are an excused absence, red are unexcused absences and white dots represent a school holiday. Scroll down to view monthly absence rates.

In order to view this information for a group of students, click ‘export data’ and open in excel.

*note: monthly absence rates are important to track to see where patterns and trends are emerging. You can learn more about tracking patterns and trends at the district, school, and student level here.

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